For the 2023 elections, the below amendment to the current NAMI Bylaws has been submitted by the 2022-2023 NAMI Board of Directors.

NOTE: Additions to the Bylaws are designated in red text. Text that is to be deleted or replaced is designated by a strike-through.

Proposed Bylaws Amendment: Expanding Options for Submitting Bylaws Amendments.

RATIONALE: The inclusion of strict instructions to only use the United States Postal Service to submit written proposed amendments to the NAMI Bylaws causes an undue burden on the membership, especially given the ubiquity of electronic communications. This amendment eliminates that strict language and allows for submissions to simply come in writing, which may include paper mail (such as the USPS) or electronic methods (such as email). The amendment also updates the provision to align with existing practices regarding how proposed amendments are presented to the voting membership.
Revision or Amendment of Bylaws

Revisions or amendments may be proposed by any voting member, or by any Director. Any such proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing by United States Postal Service, either by registered mail, certified mail, Express Mail or Priority Mail, or any other USPS service offering Return Receipts or Signature Confirmation to a Bylaws the Board Policy & Governance Committee not less than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the next annual meeting. This submission deadline may be modified by the affirmative vote of a majority of directors then in office. Each voting member shall receive All proposed revisions or amendments to the Bylaws shall be publicly posted not less than thirty (30) days prior to the next annual meeting. A two-thirds majority of the voting power of the membership voting shall be required to amend the Bylaws.


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