NAMI HelpLine

Dawn Brown

<b>National Director, NAMI HelpLine Services</b></br>
Information Systems

National Director, NAMI HelpLine Services
Information Systems


Dawn and the NAMI HelpLine team work each day to help further the recovery of people affected by mental illness and restore their families. Together, they bring their lived experience, professional skills, and passion to the service and support of the NAMI community.


Dawn was drawn to NAMI following her son’s schizophrenia diagnosis, and in 2011, she volunteered to serve on the NAMI HelpLine. Shortly afterward, she accepted a staff position.


Leading the NAMI HelpLine team has allowed Dawn to align years of professional experience in business and non-profit management with her passion for helping others affected by mental illness. Each year, the NAMI HelpLine provides more than 250,000 help seekers with the information, resources and peer support they need to advance their recovery or support the recovery of a loved one.


Since 2011, in addition to NAMI HelpLine management, Dawn has contributed to NAMI as the Director of Convention Services, Director of Membership and Content Development Specialist. She is a native of Washington, DC, and has certification in business and project management.

Not sure who to contact? Need support with the website? Looking for more information? Let us know at the link below.

Have A Question?


NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).