NAMI HelpLine

Certified Peer Specialists: An Untapped Opportunity

Our community needs the empathy and compassion only our peers can offer.

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What I’ve Learned on My Mental Health Journey

I have developed some skills to guide me through moments of difficulty — to ride out the wave.

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The Importance of Treatment Adherence and Coordinated Care

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Understanding the Necessity of Community First Response

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Thriving on the Bipolar Spectrum: Changing the Narrative with Stories of Lived Experience

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What It’s Like to Live with an OCD Monster

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Lessons in Advocacy from a State and Federal Legislative Staffer

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Celebrating NAMI’s Role in Advocating for an Improved Criminal Justice System

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How the Justice System Fails Those with Mental Illness

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How Solitary Confinement Contributes to the Mental Health Crisis

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All People Deserve Quality Care, Including Those Who Are Incarcerated

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It’s Not the Hormones: Reflections on a Teenage Girl’s Traumatic Crisis

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More than a Patient: Using a Recovery-Based Approach

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Engaging Your Community in the Mental Health Conversation

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Black Men and Mental Health: Practical Solutions

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Pursuing Motherhood While Living with Mental Illness

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Type 2 Diabetes and Mental Health: Exploring the Connection

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Physical and Mental Illness in Children: Both Need to Be Taken Seriously

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Children Should Not Have to Be Resilient

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Embracing Physical Touch and Meditation for Emotional Well-Being

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How I Cope with Agoraphobia

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My Battle with Skin Picking

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NAMI HelpLine is available M-F, 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. ET. Call 800-950-6264,
text “helpline” to 62640, or chat online. In a crisis, call or text 988 (24/7).