NAMI HelpLine

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Beyond Jails: Community-Based Strategies for Public Safety

Publication Date: Nov 01 2021

Vera Institute of Justice

For decades, the United States has responded to social issues like mental health and substance use crises, chronic homelessness, and ongoing cycles of interpersonal violence with jail. This has disrupted the lives of millions of people—disproportionately harming Black and Indigenous people—without improving public safety. There’s a better way. Communities can instead invest in agencies and organizations that address these issues outside the criminal legal system. The proven solutions highlighted in this multimedia report look beyond jails to promote safe and thriving communities.

Behavioral Health Crisis and Diversion from the Criminal Justice System: A Model for Effective Community Response

Publication Date: Feb 01 2020

Arnold Ventures

Multiple leaders, champions, and stakeholders were interviewed, and programs and facilities in four communities observed, to inform this report highlighting promising practices of crisis diversion facilities

Data Collection Across the Sequential Intercept Model: Essential Measures

Publication Date: Jan 01 2019


This manual provides a starting place for jurisdictions looking to use data to better understand and improve the outcomes of people with mental and/or substance use disorders who come into contact with the criminal justice system. 

Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) A Service Delivery Model for Individuals With Serious Mental Illness Involved With the Criminal Justice System

Publication Date: Jan 01 2019


This brief provides an overview of Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)—an intensive service delivery model intended for people with serious mental illness who are involved in the criminal justice system.

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