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Please note that the resources within the Justice Library are not endorsed by NAMI and that the resources listed are not inclusive of all of the resources available on the topic.


Assessing the Impact of Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD): A Review of Research
Publication Date: Mar 01 2021
Center for Police Research and Policy
The Best Practice Guide reviews available research on the delivery and impact of police, behavioral health (BH), disability, and community responses to BH and intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)-related crisis incidents. The chapters of this guide present information on existing response models, identify evidence-informed best practices, and outline key lessons for the development and delivery of crisis response programs designed after these models.
Police-Mental Health Collaborations: A Framework for Implementing Effective Law Enforcement Responses for People Who Have Mental Health Needs
Publication Date: Apr 01 2019
The Council of State Governments Justice Center
A publication intended to help jurisdictions advance comprehensive, agency-wide responses to people who have mental illnesses. These responses feature cross-system collaborations between the criminal justice and behavioral health systems. The framework is organized around six main questions that law enforcement executives should consider to be successful in implementing or improving police-mental health collaborations (PMHCs) in their jurisdiction.
Seattle’s Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD): Program Effects on Criminal Justice and Legal System Utilization and Costs
Publication Date: Mar 19 2019
Journal of Experimental Criminology

The Criminal Justice and Legal System Utilization and Associated Costs Report tests the effectiveness of the LEAD® program compared to the ‘system‐as-usual’ control condition in reducing publicly funded legal and criminal justice service utilization and associated costs (i.e., prosecution, public defense, jail, prison) prior and subsequent to evaluation entry.