May 1, 2013

Every April, National Poetry Month is held to celebrate poetry and the importance that it has in American culture. We asked the NAMI’s Facebook followers to submit their own haikus to help mark the occasion.Pen on paper with handwritten notes

After receiving nearly a hundred submissions, these following ten eleven (one extra was included because a winning poet submitted two!) poems were the most popular. Each of the winning poets will receive a free copy of Yashi Brown’s Black Daisy in a White Limousine: 77 Poems.

Although this competition may be over, we still want to hear your personal experiences and words of hope. So whether they be haikus or stories, submit them to NAMI’s blog.

Thank you to all that submitted! Here are the winners.

I fell in a hole
And learned the secret of life
Laughing at onself- Jordan Brown

Thinking more clearly
Setting goals for myself now
Heading for success

– Mary Cullen

Darkness comes and goes
The light is what matters most
Hold fast, light will come…

– Kimber Jones

Depressions darkness
My senses dull and lifeless
Sunshine heals my soul

– Wendy Moody

Misconstrued the Time
Anger colored my Heart blue
Snow white defeats hate

– Melissa Moore

All that I can do
Stare blankly at the TV
Media coma

– Sarah Klapprodt

I reach out for you
Drowning in my darkest place
Safety in your arms- Sarah Klapprodt

Sunshine and raindrops
Together make a rainbow
Beauty in the sky

– Lynne Loete

My son in shackles
Tears stream down my face like fire
He smiles; my heart soars

– Margaret Ore

My diagnosis
Does NOT define me… it’s for
Insurance reasons

– Chris Spangler

Bright shining star light
Floods my soul with delight
Smiling peace is found

– Diana Harlan Wells

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