Mental Health Resources for Black Americans | NAMI

Mental Health Resources for Black Americans

Posted on October 21, 2020

Systemic racism and hostile racial environments are nothing new in the United States, but 2020 has marked a significant milestone in awareness and lack of tolerance for it. Ironically, while this upheaval signals the potential for change, it has also put a strain on the mental health of many Black Americans, whose stress may be increased by media reports of violence and police brutality. “Racism is a public health crisis,” says Daniel H. Gillison Jr., CEO of NAMI. In fact, a growing body of research shows that experiencing racism increases the risk for anxiety, ulcers, insomnia, mood swings, and emotional and social withdrawal. Even in cases in which Black Americans are resilient, have support, and practice self-care, overcoming stress rooted in systemic and constant discrimination remains a challenge. The article provides a list of organizations offering help.


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