2000 | NAMI

Don’t Miss Discovery Channel Documentary On Schizophrenia

December 18, 2000

 It is perhaps the most misunderstood illness in America. If all television portrayals were this good, however, life might be different.


President Awards Nancy Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. National Medal of Science for Research on Mental Illness

December 1, 2000

Nancy C. Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D., chair of psychiatry at the University of Iowa School of Medicine, tonight will be one of only twelve persons across all areas of science honored with the National Medal of Science. 


Maine Voting Rights Referendum and The 2000 Presidential Election

November 8, 2000

NAMI is greatly disappointed that Maine voters have chosen to reject the proposed amendment to the state constitution that would have removed a prohibition of the right to vote for people with mental illnesses subject to guardianship orders.


Planned Resignation Of Laurie Flynn and Search for New Executive Director

October 17, 2000

After 16 years of exemplary service to people with severe mental illnesses and their families, Laurie Flynn has announced to the NAMI board that she intends to resign as NAMI's executive director, effective December 31, 2000.


NAMI Receives Net Services Software Donation from Novell

October 13, 2000

Productivity is on the rise at the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) thanks to a $17,000 donation of Net services software from Novell, Inc.


NAMI Applauds Nobel Prize Winners

October 10, 2000

Each scientist has contributed to a revolution in our understanding of the brain and its chemical mechanisms, which has opened the door to more effective treatments for schizophrenia and depression.


NAMI Condemns Congressional Hearing for Putting Children at Risk

October 6, 2000

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is protesting a recent Congressional hearing held on "Behavioral Drug Use in Schools" for presenting a "skewed, inflammatory perspective" on issues surrounding the roles and responsibilities of parents, physicians and schools in screening children for mental illnesses and selecting treatment options.


Hiring Individuals With Mental Illnesses: Coaxing the Mental Health System Toward a Recovery-Based Model

October 2, 2000

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) says it's time to remove one of the last remaining vestiges of discrimination-unemployment--and begin hiring more people in recovery from mental illnesses within the mental healthcare system.


Congress Passes Landmark Legislation Restricting Restraints & Seclusion

September 28, 2000

The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) today is celebrating Congress' passage of legislation establishing national standards that restrict the use of restraints and seclusion (R/S) in all psychiatric facilities which receive federal funds and in "non-medical community-based facilities for children and youth.


Stop Criminalizing Mental Illness

September 21, 2000

NAMI is grateful to U.S. Representative Bill McCollum (R-FL) for holding the first Congressional hearing on the criminalization of mental illness. It is a tragedy of national proportions and represents a crisis of both the criminal justice system and our broader mental healthcare system.

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