NAMI HelpLine

Posted on March 10, 2022

Arlington, VA — The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday passed a $1.5 trillion spending package that includes investments to expand mental health care and the help prepare for the July rollout of 988. The budget, which funds the federal government through the remainder of the 2022 fiscal year (FY 22), is expected to be passed by the Senate soon.

“NAMI is grateful to Congress for this important funding to help our communities meet urgent mental health care needs,” said NAMI Chief Executive Officer Daniel H. Gillison Jr. “With funding for this year nearly settled, Congress now must continue to increase this commitment to mental health. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, our nation’s mental health crisis is finally receiving the attention it demands. We need growing investments in the years ahead to enable people across the country to get the help they need and deserve.”

NAMI has been fighting tirelessly, calling on Congress to include major investments on key mental health priorities. NAMI will continue to advocate to ensure federal policymakers take necessary actions to ensure people get help early, get the best possible care and get diverted from the criminal justice system.

Key Mental Health Funding Highlights in the FY 22 Budget:

  • $2.14 billion for the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), a $37 million increase that includes $20 million to expand research on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health
  • $857 million for the Mental Health Block Grant (a $100 million increase) to help state and local governments address gaps and needs in their communities, including requiring states to spend at least 5% of their block grant funds for mental health crisis services
  • $101.6 million for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (a $77 million increase from FY 21 — more than four times the previous amount), supporting the launch of 988 as the national hotline for suicide prevention and mental health crises this July
  • $10 million for a new Mental Health Crisis Response Partnership Pilot Program, aiming to help communities establish mobile crisis teams that provide a non-law enforcement response to mental health crises
  • $120 million for Project AWARE (a $13 million increase from FY 21), a program that builds awareness and helps provide training and resources in school settings
  • $111 million for school mental health professionals and school-based mental health services (a $95 million increase from FY 21)
  • $40 million for the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment Act (MIOTCRA), a $5 million increase from FY 21
  • $352 million for Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program (Section 811 vouchers), a $125 million increase over FY 21

NAMI urges the Senate to quickly pass this omnibus funding package and begin work on a FY 23 budget that builds on these investments in mental health. President Biden’s budget proposal for the next year is expected to be released later this month. NAMI recently released a statement on the White House’s strategy to address the nation’s mental health crisis, which previewed some of the mental health investments that will be included.


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