June 09, 2020

Times are scary. Revolution and protest are daily parts of our lives. Fifty years ago, at Stonewall Inn, a revolution and protest would change the course of history when young LGBTQ people spoke up about their oppression. Twenty years ago, The Trevor Project would take the first frightened calls from LGBTQ youth who were no longer going to accept being silent.

In this webinar, Sam Brinton will discuss the latest data and research on the mental health of LGBTQ youth as well the ways both big and small that each and every one of us can save the lives of LGBTQ young people.

Our Expert

Sam Brinton is one of the world’s leading advocates for LGBTQ youth. They are the founder of the 50 Bill 50 States campaign at The Trevor Project to end the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion therapy, first in the United States and then around the globe. As a survivor of conversion therapy, Sam has spoken before the United Nations and Congress as well as testified on legislation from coast to coast to protect LGBTQ youth across the country.

They have been featured in numerous media including a recent New York Times op-ed as well as The Washington Post, Playboy Magazine, TIME Magazine, USA TODAY, MSNBC, PBS Newshour, Huffington Post, and CTV in Canada. Sam uses they, them, or theirs as their pronouns as a genderfluid person.



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