Personal Stories Archive | Page 3 of 43 | NAMI

Surviving Suicide Loss and Weathering Stigma

Sadly, mental illness still carries undue stigma — and is unfairly associated with violence, contagion and avoidance.

Surviving Suicidal Ideation and Finding Recovery

Now, 20 years after first experiencing suicidal ideation, I have found recovery and my passion.

Finding Support to Cope with Suicide Loss

For the first time, I felt hopeful. It was only a slight bit of hope, but I could see light, a faint light, and realized that maybe I could get through this with help.

Remembering My Mother’s Gifts

The beauty in my mother’s story is that she continues to have a positive impact on people’s lives because her experience continues to resonate with many.

Finding Healing and Self-Love While Living with Bipolar Disorder

I have come to understand the following: I need to lean on my support system. I am not on this journey alone, and I don’t need to try to manage this disorder by myself.

How NAMI’s “Meet Little Monster” Helped My Clients Access Their Emotions

The activity book provided a good entry point for discussing emotions.

Overcoming My Labels of “Drama Queen” and “Disabled”

I want to tell those who are struggling the same thing that saved me: you are not alone, and you are not “crazy.”

Navigating the Mental Health System as a Woman with Autism

Many of us living with autism are left feeling trapped when our instincts and behaviors don’t fit into the narrow confines of what is deemed “normal.”

Out of the Fray

Now I can recognize that there were warning signs during my childhood that pinpoint the rise of my anxiety.

Taking Back My Adolescence

Moving forward, I want to help people overcome obstacles like I did.
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