Amazon unveils new mental health benefit for U.S. employees and their families | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

Amazon unveils new mental health benefit for U.S. employees and their families

Posted on May 20, 2021

Amazon announced it is providing mental health benefits to all of its full-time employees, as well as to their family and household members. Amazon has launched Resources for Living, a single starting point to access confidential in-person or virtual mental health counseling, with three sessions per person, per topic, available. Amazon said it would fund up to 24 million counseling sessions a year for its U.S. employees. Access also includes a self-paced app that offers computerized cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness resources. "It is critically important that employers like Amazon evaluate and expand their programs and put a more significant focus on the mental health and mental well-being of their employees, especially as we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic and begin to re-enter the workplace," said Daniel H. Gillison Jr., CEO of NAMI. "Employers bear a responsibility to ensure access to and provide adequate mental health services to their employees. It is good for their workers, and it is good for business."


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