Biden plan would tackle chronic gaps in mental health care | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

Biden plan would tackle chronic gaps in mental health care

Posted on March 3, 2022

President Biden’s new plan to expand mental health and substance use treatment would pour hundreds of millions of dollars into suicide prevention, mental health services for youth, and community clinics providing 24/7 access to people in crisis. It was unveiled as part of his State of the Union speech. Health insurance plans would have to cover three mental health visits a year at no added cost to patients. “And let’s get all Americans the mental health services they need,” Biden said in his speech. “More people can turn for help. And full parity between physical and mental health care if we treat it that way in our insurance.” That’s been the unrealized goal of federal health care laws dating back nearly 25 years, said Hannah Wesolowski, NAMI Chief Advocacy Officer. “This represents an important agenda that impacts every American,” said Wesolowski, referring to Biden’s plan.


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