NAMI HelpLine

U.S. suicide hotline 988 is set to go live, but many states may not be ready

Posted on January 14, 2022

States have known 988, scheduled to go live on July 16, was coming and that they would be responsible for making it work. But 988 implementation laws that include fee measures to pay for the expected increase in calls have been passed by only four states - Virginia, Nevada, Washington and Colorado, according to NAMI. Few states have resources such as mobile crisis teams in place to respond to calls for help. Statewide crisis services are available or are being ramped up in Virginia, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Colorado, according to NAMI. "In some places, you're probably in good shape," said Hannah Wesolowski, NAMI chief advocacy officer. "You could call 988 and there are going to be mobile crisis teams and a pretty robust crisis infrastructure. But in other places, good luck."


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